The Boligfonden DTU (BDTU) privacy policy has been prepared in accordance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
The legal entity responsible for processing your personal data is:
Boligfonden DTU
Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Building 101A
2800 Kongens Lyngby
Contact details for Boligfonden DTU's data protection officer are:
Boligfonden DTU, Att: DPO
Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Building 101A
2800 Kongens Lyngby
Personal data includes all personal information, which can be attributed to you. In principle, you will be able to visit our website without letting us know who you are or give any information about yourself. However, if you wish to make a purchase, we will collect and process certain information about you.
Which Personal Data is Collected?
We only collect the personal data necessary in order to handle your purchase(s). Necessary personal data is comprised of, for instance, full name, resident address, private email address, phone number and other contact information.
As a rule, we do not collect information about you from third parties, except from information from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) when relevant in connection with housing referral. This could be information such as full name, nationality, home university, address, your position at DTU, if employed, or student number in order to ensure that you have been accepted as a student at DTU. does not keep information regarding bank accounts, means of payment, card numbers for credit cards, etc., unless the information is necessary in order to settle your account.
We fully respect your privacy when you submit personal information to us. Furthermore, we are aware of the need for appropriate protection and secure treatment of your personal information.
Who does Pass Personal Information to?
Personal information we receive is only forwarded, to the extent that it is relevant for case management, to:
Business associates involved in the monetary transaction when making a purchase, for banking and transfer purposes, for instance, Worldline payment solutions.
In case of debt collection, or if you exert abuse or fraud against us, we will be obliged to forward personal information to others under existing laws.
How Long Do We Keep Personal Data?
We only keep personal data as long as necessary with regard to the purposes stated above. As a customer of Boligfonden DTU, please note that for auditing reasons, in accordance with Danish legislation, certain data will be kept for a maximum of 5 years from the date of the last business activity between your account and Boligfonden DTU, provided there is no financial business. The period is contingent on the type of information and reason for keeping it. Therefore, it is not possible to specify an overall time period for the deletion of information.
Change Information og access to Information
You can be informed which information we have registered about you. If you wish to receive a copy of this information og if you want to change your account information to the extent that it does not affect the administration of your accommodation, please write to
Other Rights
If you want data deleted in whole or in part, you are welcome to contact us, after which we will assess whether there is data that can be deleted within 5 years. Please contact:
Right to Complain
You have a right to complain to Datatilsynet (The Danish Data Protection Agency) if you believe that we treat information about you against existing laws. However, we urge you to contact us first in order to find a solution. You are always welcome to contact us at
Contact, Change and Updating of Privacy Policy
Boligfonden DTU is obligated to adhere to existing laws regarding the protection of privacy at all times.
Boligfonden DTU develops and adjusts the internal processes to ensure that we can document our adherence to the demands of the regulations. You can read more about the regulations here:
If you have questions or comments regarding our privacy policy, or how we manage your personal data, please contact us at